Routine Battery Replacement

Routine Battery Replacement

Having a weak or dead battery during a power outage can disrupt business even further and be very costly. POS systems, tank monitors, and dispensers can all be affected by a low/dead battery. 

Some dispenser components can become tampered with and require replacement before operations can resume. Example: It is recommended to replace Wayne SPM Keypad batteries every 2 years or when below 3.2V.

Some POS systems can crash preventing any transactions and fuel sales. Example: It is recommended to replace most Verifone POS batteries every 2 years. Using a UPS Battery Backup on a POS system is highly recommended but will not make up for a dead Point-of-Sale battery.

Some tank monitors may lose their programming, and you may not be able to dispense fuel or get inventory readings. Example: It is recommended to replace the Veeder Root TLS-350 battery every 2 years or when below 3.4V.

Don’t let such a basic, inexpensive part cause further headaches. Replace your batteries routinely and write the date of replacement on the batteries for future reference. 

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